Our Principles

Sterilization and Sanitation.

We take health seriously. Being a permanent makeup artist is a profession of care and there are unique safety standards required to perform our services. With that in mind, we warrant that the artists have the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens training requirement and Barbicide® Covid-19 certification according to state regulations.

Drawing Tools

The pencil is pre-sterilized and wrapped in barrier film before touching a client’s face. After each procedure, artists are required to sharpen the pencil by shaving off any part that touched a client’s skin to prevent cross contamination.

Cleansers and Disinfectants

Anything made from metal, such as tweezers and scissors, are placed in barbicide and put into the autoclave to be sterilized. Barrier film is replaced on any plastic tool to make sure no contamination occurs.


We use only the best tools on our clients. Every needle is individually packaged and disposed after use.

Hand Washing

Artists are required to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds before and after procedures.

Our Promise

Your Health.

We will never put your and our health at risk, we put in extra effort when it comes to sanitation and sterilization. We go above and beyond to make sure our studio is the safest it can be and you will notice this as soon as you walk through our doors.